План эссе по английскому егэ. Пример готовой работы в формате эссе на ЕГЭ (задание C2)

Здравствуйте, мои любимые читатели.

Если вы уверены, что пишите прекрасные эссе - забудьте об этом!

Ладно, как-то грубо получается. Но в действительности это оказывается правдой. Все мы - русскоговорящие люди, - прекрасно пишем сочинения на русском языке, но вот если дело касается эссе по английскому языку для ЕГЭ — тут у нас начинаются проблемки (мягко сказать). Все дело в том, что мы не следуем их правилам и структуре, а надо бы…

Поэтому сегодня мы будет учиться, как писать сочинение правильно, каким требованиям подчиняться, а также я дам вам готовые эссе, чтобы вы наглядно увидели, как они должны выглядеть.

Для качественной подготовки к ЕГЭ нужно использовать тренажеры , которые максимально приближают вас к ситуации экзамена. Подобный тренажер можете использовать тут . Тренируйтесь и сдавайте на 100 баллов!

Что такое эссе и его виды

Начнем, пожалуй, с основного вопроса. Уже, наверное, очевидно, что эссе - это своего рода сочинение на определенную тему. Но все не так просто. Первое, что нужно четко понимать, - это разницу между двумя видами эссе. К ним относятся сочинения, выражающие личное мнение , а также сочинения структуры «за и против» . И вот разницу между ними вы должны знать наизусть.

Требования к эссе

Основное требование к этому заданию в 2017 году - это объем слов. Увы, но вы ограничены количеством в 180-275 слов . Кроме того, ваше сочинение должно быть грамматически корректным, а лексика, естественно, должна соответствовать уровню языка. Использовать слова из уровня Elementary, когда вы пытаетесь сдать экзамен на , не советую.

Также очень важным элементом в оценке качества написанной работы считается его стиль. Да, обычно мы не очень внимательны к этому аспекту. У нас чем «богаче» и «неформальнее» язык ты используешь, тем лучше. Но вот англичане любят четкую структуру, поэтому ничего иного, кроме формального стиля написания я вам не просто не советую, а даже запрещаю!

План эссе

Планы для разных видов эссе также различные.

План эссе «за и против»

Для эссе типа «за-против» обычно используется следующая структура:

  • Введение.

Начните с четкого выражения существующей проблемы, а также с предложения, которое выражает двойственность.

  • Аргументы «за».

Определитесь с аргументами «за». Выражайте их четко и, главное, не забывать, чтобы они все же были связаны с проблемой.

  • Аргументы «против».

Определитесь с аргументами «против». Вы можете даже объединить их с предыдущим абзацем. Главное, чтобы ваши мысли были четко определены и аргументированы.

  • Заключение.

В заключении четко и ясно подведите итог сказанному, но все же повторите противоречащую тему еще раз, выражая некую надежду на ее решение.

Что я обычно рекомендую своим ученикам, так это составлять план вашего сочинения перед тем, как вы будете его писать. Самая ужасная ошибка - это писать наобум. Тогда вас ждут множество ошибок, а также полный разлад в мыслях.

План эссе «личное мнение»

Если же вам необходимо выразить свое мнение, то структура текста будет совершенно иной:

  • Введение.

В этом типе сочинения начало идентично предыдущему: вам нужно просто определить волнующий вопрос.

  • Выражение своего мнения.

Здесь вы высказываете свою точку зрения и даете несколько аргументов, почему же вы считаете ее верной. Не тратьте на эту часть все свои аргументы. Один или два вам еще пригодятся в будущем. Здесь же можете привести 2-3 аргумента.

  • Выражение мнения, противоположного вашему.

У любой точки зрения есть противоположные ей аргументы. Вот и представьте их здесь. Меньше, чем два писать нежелательно.

  • Ваши контраргументы.

А вот тут уже и используйте те пару аргументов, которые я советовала вам приберечь. В этом случае 1-2 будет вполне достаточно.

  • Заключение.

Слова -помощники

Правила написания эссе - важный этап, но не менее важно использовать вводные конструкции и выражения, которые покажут ваш уровень владения языком, а также разбавят скучный формальный текст нейтральными фразами. Давайте посмотрим некоторые примеры с переводом:

People say…/ It is thought… - Говорят…

Firstly… / Secondly… - В первую/вторую очередь…

To begin with… - Начиная с…

In addition to… - В дополнение…

Besides … - Кроме того…

Despite… - Несмотря на…

As a result… - В результате …

On the one hand… on the other hand… - C одной стороны… / С другой стороны…

The problem is/might be/seems to be… - Проблема заключается в том/может быть в том/кажется…

While … - В то время, как…

What is more… - Более того…

Summing up… - Подводя итог…

In conclusion … - В заключение…

Предполагаемые темы

Конечно, сказать с уверенностью, какие темы для эссе будут в этом году, я не могу, но по опыту могу сказать, что темы всегда общего характера. Причина этому в том, что на банковскую тему, например, мало кто сможет писать. А вот на общие тематики любой из нас может написать что угодно на основе собственного опыта. Поэтому вот вам предположительные темы для эссе:

  • Food - Еда.
  • Travelling - Путешествия.
  • Fashion - Мода.
  • Love and friendship - Любовь и дружба.
  • Money - Деньги.
  • Environment - Окружающая среда.
  • Family problem - Проблемы в семье.
  • Work and career - Работа и карьера.
  • Leisure time activities - Дела в свободное время.

Кстати, есть замечательное пособие, которое поможет каждому научиться писать эссе на отлично! Просто следуйте правилам и практикуйтесь. Автор дает здесь максимум того, что может получить учащийся при подготовке к письменной части экзаменов.


Конечно, я не могла оставить вас ни с чем, и даже не дать шаблон или образец, как справится с этим заданием. Читайте и анализируйте.

Have domestic appliances improved the quality of our lives?

Nowadays, many people have a great variety of devices at home that are thought to make our life easier. However, they also have some disadvantages. (Помните, что начинать нужно с четкой установки проблемы)

On the one hand (не забывайте использовать вводные слова) , they definitely reduced the amount of time we spend on doing household chores. Cleaning, for example, has become much easier due to the invention of vacuum cleaner. What is more, washing clothes does not seem to be a big problem anymore. Women do it far more quickly than they used to. In addition, the process of cooking for a big family has become much easier. You can have a microwave as long as multi-cooker to prepare food in an hour instead of spending the whole evening in the kitchen. (В этом типе сочинения важно сделать четкую структуру: сразу пишите только про преимущества, а затем только переходите к недостаткам. Или наоборот. Но никогда не смешивайте).

However, even though all this equipment was made to save our time, it also encourages people to work more, or spend their free time in front of television or computer. And that does not necessarily makes people happier. They become lazier and in case something happens - they will no longer be able to survive without all these appliances.

Summing up, it must be said that although technology has made the life easier it should not define the quality of our lives. (Не забудьте в конце сделать вывод, но тем самым подчеркните свою точку зрения).

Структура эссе, как я уже говорила, отличается в зависимости от вида. Поэтому я дам вам пример с разнообразными клише и второго типа.

Is it better to go on holiday with family or friends?

It is usually thought that going on holidays with friends is much better than spending free time with your family. I completely disagree with it . (Аналогично предыдущему комментарию - не забудьте установить проблему и упомянуть о ней).

First of all, it is much more economical as parents usually pay for their children so you do not have to spend much of your money. Secondly, it may seem that going on holidays with your parents may be boring, but the reality shows that you can have as much fun with your relatives as you could have with your friends . (Выражаем 2-3 аргумента в поддержку вашего мнения).

There is also an opinion, that spending time with your friend or without your parents makes you more responsible and confident. It is thought that you learn to live on your own. (Не забудьте, что указать чужое мнение, противоположное вашему, также необходимо).

I cannot agree with this point of view as the adolescence is the process that cannot be fulfilled during your holidays. And sharing time with you family, on the other hand, strengthens your relationship and encourages you to develop core human values . (Противопоставляем новые аргументы против контраргументов, что вы получили).

So whether there is a question who to spend your vacation with, make sure that it will be spent with those who love you most - your family. (И, в конце концов, не забудьте сделать правильный вывод, утверждая свое мнение).

Типичные ошибки

Конечно, без ошибок никуда. Но есть ошибки, характерные практически для 50% учеников, сдающих экзамен. Поэтому я хочу выделить те, за которые будет стыдно:

  • Забывать про структуру. Использовать неформальные слова, фразовые глаголы или просто неподходящую по стилю и формату лексику.
  • Писать сокращения don’t, haven’t и т.д.
  • Не использовать вводные конструкции.
  • Писать меньше или больше положенного лимита слов.
  • Не раскрывать тему эссе или «уходить» от нее, надеясь, что вас оценят за то, что вы хоть что-то написали.
  • Глупые ошибки в грамматике. Лучше 10 раз проверьте и исправьте.

Ребята, если вы серьезно хотите структурировать свои знания и усовершенствовать свои скиллы к ЕГЭ 2017 под руководством классного преподавателя:

Скорее записывайтесь на бесплатный вводный урок в онлайн-школе EnglishDom . Там определят ваш уровень владения языком, узнают слабые стороны , подберут самого подходящего для вас преподавателя, и вы сможете индивидуально заниматься через удобную онлайн платформу в оптимальное для вас время и за умеренную плату .

Ну что, мои хорошие, я уверена, что ваши сочинение не хуже, а может даже и лучше. Я надеюсь, что после сегодняшнего урока писать вам станет намного проще, а слово «сочинение» перейдет из разряда «о, какой ужас» в разряд «ну замечательно же».))

А чтобы улучшать не только свои письменные навыки, но и все остальные, что понадобятся вам при сдаче пугающего всех своим грозным трехбуквенным видом - подписывайтесь на рассылку моего блога. Там я регулярно делюсь полезными материалами, советами и рекомендациями на основе личного опыта.

А пока я с вами прощаюсь.

До новых встреч.

P.S. Если вам интересно узнать о моем опыте сдачи вступительных экзаменов и просто почитать мои мысли по этой теме, то вперед к моей статье « »

В задании приводится некое утверждение. Вам нужно написать сочинение-рассуждение, в котором вы выражаете собственное мнение касательно данного утверждения (opinion essay).


Эссе должно быть чётко структурировано и включать в себя следующие части (каждая начинается с нового абзаца):

  1. Вступление. Здесь вы должны обозначить проблему, указанную в задании. Важно перефразировать её, а не переписать слово в слово. Например, задание «In order to get a good adecation one should go abroad” можно переформулировать так: “Nowadays, the problem of studying abroad causes great argument and controversy” . Также следует дополнить этот тезис небольшим комментарием-пояснением. Закончить вступление можно риторическим вопросом.
  2. Выражение собственного мнения. В данном абзаце необходимо тезисно отразить ваше личное отношение к данной проблеме и подкрепить его 2-3 развернутыми аргументами. Важно, чтобы доводы были убедительными, ёмкими и логичными. Аргументы вводятся с помощью универсальных слов-связок и фраз.
  3. Выражение противоположного мнения. Третий абзац эссе должен содержать точку зрения оппонента. Этот тезис также необходимо подкрепить 1-2 аргументами. Важно, чтобы аргументов у оппонента было на 1 меньше (т.е., если во 2-м абзаце у вас три аргумента, в 3-м должно быть два), потому что наша цель – доказать собственную правоту.
  4. Несогласие с мнением оппонентов. Здесь следует опровергнуть мнение оппонента, выразить свое несогласие и подкрепить его 1-2 контраргументами. Помните, что вы приводите контраргументы к доводам оппонента, их количество должно быть одинаковым (2 аргумента оппонента = 2 ваших контраргумента).
  5. Заключение. Последний абзац должен содержать обобщенный вывод касательно обсуждаемого вопроса, который также дополняется комментарием. Можно использовать универсальную фразу, которая заставит читателя задуматься над проблемой.

План работы над заданием №40

I. Внимательно прочитайте фразу-стимул

II. 1 абзац: введение в проблему Увидеть в задании 2 противоположных точки зрения Перефразировать фразу Написать 3 предложения 2 абзац: свое мнение 2-3 аргумента 3 абзац: противоположное мнение 1-2 аргумента 4 абзац: контраргументы НЕ перечислять уже названные свои аргументы 5 абзац: заключение Перефразировать 1 абзац

III. Соединить абзацы с помощью вводных слов.

V. Проверить орфографию и пунктуацию (обязательно выделить запятой вводные слова)

Ниже приведена таблица с образцами вводных слов и фраз.


Абзац Предложение Образец
1. Вступление Обозначение проблемы Nowadays, the problem of … causes great argument and controversy.
In today’s world,
the issue of … is considered to be a matter of common concern/the main concern of …
Комментарий к проблеме Some people believe that … while others think…
On the one hand, … on the other hand … .
Риторический вопрос Where is the truth?
Who is right?
2. Выражение собственного мнения Тезис In my opinion, …
As for me, I believe that…
My personal view is that…
1 аргумент To begin with,
To start with,
2 аргумент What is more,
3 аргумент Finally,
3. Выражение противопо-ложного мнения Тезис However, there exists another point of view on this issue.
Nevertheless, one can consider this problem from another angle.
1 аргумент First of all,
The first thing to be considered is …
2 аргумент Another fact is that …
4. Несогласие с мнением оппонентов Тезис + 1-й контраргумент Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because …
Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement, because…
2- й контраргумент Moreover, one should not ignore the fact that…
Finally, …
5. Заключение Вывод In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of… is still to be discussed.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, It is impotant to understand…
Комментарий As far as I am concerned, the point is to…


Nowadays, the problem of … causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that … while others think … . Who is right?

In my opinion, … . To begin with, … . What is more, … . Additionally,… .

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all, … . Besides, … .

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because… . … .

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of … is still to be discussed. As far as I am concerned, the point is to…

Еще один шаблон:

Шаблон эссе-мнения (Opinion essay pattern)
Что можно написать в каждом абзаце (примерный шаблон):

1) The problem of _____ (тема) ______ has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that ______ _____. However, the others believe _____ ______. Let us speculate what makes them think so.

2) I cannot but agree that ______ (мнение, с которым вы согласны) _____. Firstly, _____ (первый аргумент) ______. Secondly, _____ (второй аргумент) ______. Thirdly, _____ (третий аргумент) ______.

3) Some opponents might argue that ______ (мнение, с которым вы не согласны) ______. They suggest that ______ (первый аргумент оппонентов) ______. Moreover, ______ (второй аргумент оппонентов) ______.

4) Nevertheless, I do not support the above mentioned ideas . One should take into account the fact that ______ ( разрушение аргументов оппонентов ) ______. Besides, ______ (разрушение аргументов оппонентов) ______.

5) All in all, ______ (мнение, с которым вы согласны) ______. Despite the arguments of various skeptics I am convinced that our ______ (SOCIETY / PLANET / FAMILIES / CHILDREN / ENVIRONMENT / SENIORS / SOULS) ______ need(s) ______ ( кратко мнение , с которым вы согласны ) ______.

Таким образом мы уже имеем 76 слов, и они серьезно облегчают работу над эссе!


  • Comment on the following statement:

In order to get a good adecation one should go abroad.

What is your opinion? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Примеры готовых ЭССЕ:

Единый язык для всей планеты. За и против

No doubt that learning languages takes up a lot of time. That is why some people think that it would be better to have only one language on our planet. But will it be really beneficial for mankind?

In my opinion, the reduction of the number of languages is a disaster because it will totally destroy our great cultural heritage. With each loss of a language comes a loss of a culture, a loss of a way of life that deserves to be protected and treated as valuable. I also believe that leaving one language for communication will greatly reduce the linguistic diversity of our planet, which is the key to our survival. What is more, it will be rather difficult to choose which language to use and it may even lead to wars.

Many people think that if we have only one language, communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. I cannot agree with them because knowledge of foreign languages makes a person educated and well rounded. You cannot broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. Besides, people are a lot more helpful if you speak their language.

In conclusion, I would argue that we should try our best to preserve the linguistic diversity of our planet. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.

Животные в зоопарке. Как вы к этому относитесь. Справедливо ли это

There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions of people visit them every year. But are zoos harmful or helpful to animals which are caged there?

I strongly believe that we should not keep animals in zoos because captivity is not natural for them and it is a constant stress to a wild animal. Keeping animals in zoos harms them by denying them freedom of movement and association. What is more, zoos are like prisons for animals as they live in small cages and do not get necessary food. In addition, animals become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older and often attack zoo keepers and other people.

However, most people think that zoos help endangered species survive. But this is not true because most rare animals are extremely difficult to breed in captivity. Besides, in zoos, it is almost impossible to meet the animals’ natural needs. Another argument for keeping animals in zoos is that people learn something new about these animals. Actually, zoos do not teach us much because animals do not act the way they would in the wild. I think we can learn more about animals by watching wildlife programs on TV.

In conclusion, I would argue that zoos do not seem to help endangered species and keeping animals behind bars only for the sake of our entertainment is not quite fair. In my opinion, people must create nature reserves, where wild animals will be able to live in their natural environment.

Запрещение машин в центрах больших городов. За или против

There is no doubt that the invention of the car changed the world and nowadays we can hardly find a family without a car. Nevertheless, some people are against cars, especially in the centers of big cities.

In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city centers as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the center and suffer from the noise made by cars. Moreover, the streets in the center are usually narrow therefore people are often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Finally, with ho cars in city centers, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks.

However, many people believe we would not be able to survive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. I am sure it is possible to solve these problems by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.

To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmentally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.

Изучение иностранного языка – лучшее, что может быть, изучать его в стране, где на нем разговаривают. Согласны ли вы

Nowadays people spend lots of money in order to go to an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. But is it really the most effective way of learning a language? In my view, studying in a foreign country has certain drawbacks.

Firstly, this way is very expensive as the tuition fee for overseas students is rather high. Besides, when you study abroad, you have to adapt to a very different way of life, which can be quite stressful. What is more, English teachers do not speak Russian so if you don’t know English well, you will not understand their explanation.

It is often assumed that it is better to study a language abroad because you can always use it speaking with native speakers. However, I doubt that we will have lots of opportunities to speak abroad as we do not know many people there. It is also believed that Russian teachers are not as qualified as those in England. I totally disagree with this opinion because Russian teachers can compare two languages and explain grammar rules better.

To sum up, I would argue that the best way to learn a language is to study it in your native country because you can always get the necessary help from your teachers. Moreover, today we have lots of opportunities to improve our skills such as communicating with English pen-friends over the Internet. I think that we should travel abroad so as to practise a language but not to study it.

Иностранные языки. Сейчас в школах изучают по 2-3 языка. За и против

Most people understand that without knowledge of foreign languages it is difficult to survive in the modern world. Therefore they send their children to schools where they can study two or even three foreign languages. However, is it good to study several languages simultaneously?

On the one hand, foreign languages are the main part of our culture so they help us to expand our outlook. We cannot broaden our minds if we see the world only from the perspective of our own culture. In addition, learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. Moreover, if pupils know at least one foreign language, they learn new languages much faster.

On the other hand, many pupils find it confusing to learn two or three languages at a time, especially languages that are similar, because children usually mix up lots of words. Besides, some languages are tricky enough to learn. For example, in English there are more exceptions than rules. In this case, children can be overloaded with homework. More than that, some pupils do not know their native language well and learning several foreign languages could prevent them from mastering their own language.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning languages is extremely beneficial and I would like to know different foreign languages. However, I believe children should not learn too many languages at the same time so as not to get confused. They ought to get a solid base in one language before they start learning a new one.

Интернет. За и против

We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time.

On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job.

On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may ‘attack’ the world’s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.

Клонирование. За и против

Recent advances in genetic biology have led us to quite a doubtful situation. People all over the world argue whether human cloning research should be controlled by the government as solving problems connected with human cloning is definitely not a piece of cake.

In my opinion, human cloning experiments are extremely dangerous because there are huge risks of abnormalities in human clones. Moreover, if clones have been made, they will obviously have serious psychological problems connected with their unusual birth. Finally, there is no doubt that human cloning will change our perception of what is the value of a human life as we might change from having children to manufacturing them.

However, scientists claim that human cloning could be very beneficial as therapeutic cloning could provide stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissues for transplantation. Besides, re-productive cloning will probably give parents who are both infertile an opportunity to have children. I am afraid that this technology is not safe enough to use on humans. It is also possible that clones will age quicker since the cell used in the cloning procedure has already been used in a real life individual.

To sum up, we must question whether human cloning is really worth it when weighed against the problems it raises. From my point of view, human reproductive cloning should be under the tight control of the government and the UN because it is dangerous to interfere with nature and the consequences can be really disastrous.

Книги или компьютеры. Кто победит в будущем

The latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books. Although electronic books have not been widely accepted yet, they have certain advantages over traditional paper volumes. But will they be able to replace printed books?

In my opinion, students will be widely using computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programs on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts.

On the other hand, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the Internet connection. I cannot agree with this because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays.

To sum up, I think computers and printed books will peacefully coexist for years to come, but in the future technological progress will make it possible for students to carry laptops or even palmtops instead of traditional bags with lots of heavy books.

Компьютерные игры. За и против

People have always had different hobbies but technological progress has caused the appearance of computers and computer games, which can keep a child occupied for hours. However, adults consider computer games a complete waste of time.

As for me, I believe computer games are more than mindless entertainment. To begin with, computer games can teach people to achieve their aims as they regularly put obstacles and traps in the way of players which are necessary to overcome in order to progress through the rest of the game. Additionally, computer games can be a valuable source of accidental learning that can be applied to school, home, and social events. Moreover, teachers have also started to appreciate educational games as an opportunity to make their lessons more exciting.

Nevertheless, quite a few people are against this activity as they find it rather addictive and harmful for children’s health. They argue that computer games make students neglect their school work. However, if we learn to control our computer use and play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. What is more, modern technology made it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computers on our eyes.

To sum up, I believe that computer games have more advantages than drawbacks. They make us persistent, develop our logical reasoning and help us to escape from everyday problems. The thing is to find a right balance between virtual reality and everyday reality.

Космос. За и против исследований в космосе

Space exploration can mean a major leap for mankind. However, it is often criticized because the price for these space experiments is too high, especially while poverty still exists in many parts of the world.

On the one hand, space research is extremely beneficial as it advances technology. As a result of this work, we have lots of inventions, which have made our lives much more comfortable. In addition, through the exploration of space, we could find new elements, minerals or even discover new laws of physics and eventually learn more about ourselves. What is more, space exploration will allow us to establish a human civilization on another planet as a hedge against the catastrophe that might occur on the Earth.

On the other hand, the benefits of space exploration are not self-evident, no matter how real they are. It costs billions of dollars to fund the projects of space science whereas this money should rather be spent on meeting the needs of the underprivileged. Besides, some of the technology we develop through space science can be used in a destructive manner if it is in the wrong hands. Finally, a travel to space can be dangerous as we may discover something that is extremely harmful for the living beings on Earth.

To conclude, I want to say that space exploration satisfies the human desire for adventure therefore most people are interested in space research. Nevertheless, I believe our governments should find the right balance between social and space programs.


  • Считайте слова

Обязательно нужно уложиться в заданный объём: 200-250 слов (допускается отклонение на 10% в обе стороны, т.е. 180-275 слов). Если в эссе ≤179 слов, то за задание ставится 0 баллов. Если ≥276 слов, то проверяются только первые 250 слов. Помните, что 1 слово – это всё, что находится между двумя пробелами. Дефисы (-), и апострофы (’) не являются пробелами, поэтому слова из разряда world’s, open-minded, UK, считаются за одно слово. Тренируйтесь писать письма на экзаменационных бланках – так вы научитесь на глазок определять количество слов и будете меньше тратить времени на их подсчёт.

  • Пишите в официальном стиле

Нельзя использовать сокращения (только полные формы I am , cannot ), а также начинать предложения с неформальных слов-связок well, also , but ). Используйте безличные формы глагола (one should ). Богатый словарный запас и разноообразие грамматических и синтаксических конструкций демонстрирует высокий уровень знания английского языка.

  • Правильно рассчитайте время

На выполнение этого задания выделите себе 40 минут: 20 минут на черновик, 15 мин. на чистовик и 5 мин. на подсчёт слов и проверку. Обязательно проверьте эссе перед сдачей!

Верьте в себя, и всё получится! Удачи на экзаменах!

Эссе по иностранному языку требует качественного содержания и хорошей организационной структуры, а также грамотного языкового оформления.

Является одним из самых проблемных заданий при сдаче единого государственного экзамена. По сложности конкуренцию ему может составлять только аудирование. Поэтому тренировка в составлении эссе должна быть особенно усиленной и интенсивной.

С 2012 года время, выделенное на весь экзамен по иностранным языкам, увеличено до 180 минут. Так как остальные задания экзамена не были изменены, мы рекомендуем вам потратить дополнительное время именно на письменную часть (80 минут). Более того, уточняется план к заданиям, что может облегчить задачу в написании.

In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city centers as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the center and suffer from the noise made by cars. Moreover, the streets in the center are usually narrow therefore people are often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Final-ly, with ho cars in city centers, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks. However, many people believe we would not be able to survive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. I am sure it is possible to solve these problems by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.

To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmentally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.

Изучение иностранного языка – лучшее, что может быть, изучать его в стране, где на нем разговаривают. Согласны ли вы

Nowadays people spend lots of money in order to go to an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. But is it really the most effective way of learning a language? In my view, studying in a foreign country has certain drawbacks. Firstly, this way is very expensive as the tuition fee for overseas students is rather high. Besides, when you study abroad, you have to adapt to a very different way of life, which can be quite stressful. What is more, English teachers do not speak Russian so if you don’t know English well, you will not understand their explanation.

It is often assumed that it is better to study a language abroad because you can always use it speaking with native speakers. However, I doubt that we will have lots of opportunities to speak abroad as we do not know many people there. It is also believed that Russian teachers are not as qualified as those in England. I totally disagree with this opinion because Russian teachers can compare two languages and explain grammar rules better.

To sum up, I would argue that the best way to learn a language is to study it in your native country because you can always get the necessary help from your teachers. Moreover, today we have lots of opportunities to improve our skills such as communicating with English pen-friends over the Internet. I think that we should travel abroad so as to practise a language but not to study it.

Иностранные языки. Сейчас в школах изучают по 2-3 языка. За и против

Most people understand that without knowledge of foreign languages it is difficult to survive in the modern world. Therefore they send their children to schools where they can study two or even three foreign languages. However, is it good to study several languages simultaneously? On the one hand, foreign languages are the main part of our culture so they help us to expand our outlook. We cannot broaden our minds if we see the world only from the perspective of our own culture. In addition, learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. Moreover, if pupils know at least one foreign language, they learn new languages much faster. On the other hand, many pupils find it confusing to learn two or three languages at a time, especially languages that are similar, because children usually mix up lots of words. Besides, some languages are tricky enough to learn. For example, in English there are more exceptions than rules. In this case, children can be overloaded with homework. More than that, some pupils do not know their native language well and learning several foreign languages could prevent them from mastering their own language.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning languages is extremely beneficial and I would like to know different foreign languages. However, I believe children should not learn too many languages at the same time so as not to get confused. They ought to get a solid base in one language before they start learning a new one. 16. Интернет. За и против We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job. On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may ‘attack’ the world’s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.

Клонирование. За и против

Recent advances in genetic biology have led us to quite a doubtful situation. People all over the world argue whether human cloning research should be controlled by the government as solving problems connected with human cloning is definitely not a piece of cake. In my opinion, human cloning experiments are extremely dangerous because there are huge risks of abnormalities in human clones. Moreover, if clones have been made, they will obviously have serious psychological problems connected with their unusual birth. Finally, there is no doubt that human cloning will change our perception of what is the value of a human life as we might change from having children to manufacturing them. However, scientists claim that human cloning could be very beneficial as therapeutic cloning could provide stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissues for transplantation. Besides, re-productive cloning will probably give parents who are both infertile an opportunity to have children. I am afraid that this technology is not safe enough to use on humans. It is also possible that clones will age quicker since the cell used in the cloning procedure has already been used in a real life individual.

To sum up, we must question whether human cloning is really worth it when weighed against the problems it raises. From my point of view, human reproductive cloning should be under the tight control of the government and the UN because it is dangerous to interfere with nature and the consequences can be really disastrous.

Книги или компьютеры. Кто победит в будущем

The latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books. Although electronic books have not been widely accepted yet, they have certain advantages over traditional paper volumes. But will they be able to replace printed books? In my opinion, students will be widely using computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programs on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts. On the other hand, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the Internet connection. I cannot agree with this because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays.

To sum up, I think computers and printed books will peacefully coexist for years to come, but in the future technological progress will make it possible for students to carry laptops or even palmtops instead of traditional bags with lots of heavy books.

Компьютерные игры. За и против

People have always had different hobbies but technological progress has caused the appearance of computers and computer games, which can keep a child occupied for hours. However, adults consider computer games a complete waste of time. As for me, I believe computer games are more than mindless entertainment. To begin with, computer games can teach people to achieve their aims as they regularly put obstacles and traps in the way of players which are necessary to overcome in order to progress through the rest of the game. Additionally, computer games can be a valuable source of accidental learning that can be applied to school, home, and social events. Moreover, teachers have also started to appreciate educational games as an opportunity to make their lessons more exciting. Nevertheless, quite a few people are against this activity as they find it rather addictive and harmful for children’s health. They argue that computer games make students neglect their school work. However, if we learn to control our computer use and play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. What is more, modern technology made it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computers on our eyes.

To sum up, I believe that computer games have more advantages than drawbacks. They make us persistent, develop our logical reasoning and help us to escape from everyday problems. The thing is to find a right balance between virtual reality and everyday reality.

Космос. За и против исследований в космосе

Space exploration can mean a major leap for mankind. However, it is often criticized because the price for these space experiments is too high, especially while poverty still exists in many parts of the world. On the one hand, space research is extremely beneficial as it advances technology. As a result of this work, we have lots of inventions, which have made our lives much more comfortable. In addition, through the exploration of space, we could find new elements, minerals or even discover new laws of physics and eventually learn more about ourselves. What is more, space exploration will allow us to establish a human civilization on another planet as a hedge against the catastrophe that might occur on the Earth. On the other hand, the benefits of space exploration are not self-evident, no matter how real they are. It costs billions of dollars to fund the projects of space science whereas this money should rather be spent on meeting the needs of the underprivileged. Besides, some of the technology we develop through space science can be used in a destructive manner if it is in the wrong hands. Finally, a travel to space can be dangerous as we may discover something that is extremely harmful for the living beings on Earth.

To conclude, I want to say that space exploration satisfies the human desire for adventure therefore most people are interested in space research. Nevertheless, I believe our governments should find the right balance between social and space programs.

Последним заданием в письменной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку является написание эссе . Размер сочинения должен составлять 200-250 слов, а его структура должна быть следующей: введение (с формулировкой проблемы), собственное мнение (включая 2-3 аргумента), противоположное мнение по проблеме (включая 1-2 аргумента), причина несогласия с противоположным мнением и заключение. При выполнении данного задания вы можете использовать готовые эссе по английскому языку , которые представлены ниже.

Список готовых эссе

1. Some people say that fast food has a bad effect on our health.
2. Some people say that genetically modified food is hazardous to health.
3. Some people think that there are many benefits of being a vegetarian.
4. Some people think that organic food is healthier than conventional food.
5. Some people believe that the only way to lose weight is following a weight loss diet.
6. Some people think that we should eat at home.
7. Some people believe that it is important to look nice and to follow fashion.
8. Some people think that clothes help them show who they really are.
9. Some people think that schoolchildren should wear school uniforms.
10. Some people say that there should not be any rules about the clothes people can wear in the workplace.
11. Some people say that wearing fur is unacceptable.
12. Some people think that tattoos and piercing make them more attractive.
13. Some people think that tourism ruins everything that it touches.
14. Some people say that school trips are beneficial for students.
15. Some people say ecotourism benefits the environment and local people.
16. Some people think that the best way to travel in a town or in a city is on foot.
17. Some people say that cars have improved our lives in a number of ways.
18. Some people say that travelling by plane is very convenient.
19. Some people say that taking public transportation is a convenient option for travelling.
20. Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling.
21. Some people say that travelling to exotic countries is an exciting experience.
22. Some people think that international travel has a lot of benefits.
23. Some people say that the best way to travel is by train.
24. Some people say that the best way to travel is by ship.
25. Some people choose to travel abroad to receive medical care.
26. Some people say that having friends is important for everyone.
27. Some people think that you can have only one true friend.
28. Some people think that only those who have much in common can become friends.
29. Some people think that nothing can ruin a true friendship.
30. Many people think that love makes a person happy.
31. Some people think that jealousy is a very destructive emotion.
32. Some people think that only those who earn a lot of money can be happy.
33. Some people think that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible.
34. Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality.
35. Some people say that teenagers should work to earn money.
36. Some people say that having a hobby is important for everyone.
37. Some people say that playing computer games is the best way to spend your free time.
38. Some people believe that teenagers should not be given too much free time.
39. Some people think that reading is a waste of time.
40. Some people think that collecting various things is a waste of time and money.
41. Some people say that online education is an excellent alternative to traditional education.
42. Some people think that homeschooling is an excellent alternative to traditional education.
43. Some people think that self-education is not very effective.
44. Some people think that if you want to get a good education, you should go abroad.
45. Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools.
46. Some people think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students.
47. Some school-leavers think that university is not for them and choose not to go.
48. Some people think that computers may replace teachers in the future.
49. Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge.
50. Many people think that homework is essential for every student.
51. Some people believe that students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study.
52. Some people think that grades encourage students to learn.
53. Some people think that students will use computers instead of textbooks in the future.
54. Some people think that creativity is an essential ability which must be taught at school.
55. Some people think that punishment should be used in class to achieve discipline and to make students study hard.
56. Some people say that having jobs can be of great benefit to teenagers.
57. Some people say that they would prefer to work at home.
58. Some people think that it is more important to get satisfaction from your work than to earn much money.
59. Some people think that in any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
60. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession.
61. Some people change their jobs every few years.
62. Some people think that it is better to work abroad.
63. Some people believe that they will be successful and happy only if they work much.
64. At present, there is no difficulty in finding a good job.
65. Some people think that there is nothing worse than being unemployed.
66. Many people believe that it is important to develop teamwork in the workplace.
67. Some people prefer to work for themselves or to own a business.
68. Some people think that modern technologies make life more convenient.
69. Some people say that cell phones have changed our lives for the better.
70. Some people say that using mobile telephones must be prohibited in school.
71. Some people believe that all teenagers should have a cell phone.
72. Some people think that the Internet has more drawbacks than advantages.
73. Some people think that children should spend less time surfing the Net.
74. Some people say that the Internet has improved the effectiveness of education.
75. Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages.
76. Some people believe that there are real risks to dating via the Internet.
77. Some people think that online chatting cannot substitute for face-to-face communication.
78. Some people prefer writing traditional paper letters to using e-mail.
79. Some people think that cloning opens up new opportunities.
80. Some people are worried about computers and robots doing the same things that people can do.
81. Some people say that a virtual field trip can be a good alternative to a traditional field trip.
82. Some people say that the theatre is likely to disappear.
83. Some people think that graffiti is vandalism.
84. Some people believe that dancing can be of great benefit to children.
85. Some people believe that listening to music has good effects on everyone.
86. Some people think that rap music has a bad influence on teenagers.
87. Some people say that they are used to working or studying to the sound of music.
88. Some people think that watching movies is beneficial to everybody.
89. Some people are fond of 3D films.
90. Some people prefer watching a film version to reading a book.
91. Some people say that electronic books are going to replace paper books in the future.
92. Some people say that we do not need public libraries any more.
93. Some people say that reading detective stories is just a waste of time.
94. Some people say that weight loss diets can be very harmful.
95. Some people say that it is important to exercise regularly.
96. Some people say that extreme sports are too risky.
97. Some people believe that children should be encouraged to go in for sports.
98. Some people dream of becoming professional athletes.
99. Some people say that one should go to a fitness club to be healthy and slim.
100. Some people think that surfing is rather risky.
101. Some people think that parkour is not for everybody.
102. Some people think that physical attractiveness is important for everyone.
103. Some people think that plastic surgery can help them to become more attractive and happier.
104. Some people prefer to have only one child.
105. Some couples choose not to have children.
106. Some people choose to build a family through adoptions.
107. These days, some people adopt children from overseas.
108. Some people believe that adult children should not live with their parents.
109. Some people think that couples should not marry young.
110. Some people say that it is wonderful to have a sibling.
111. Some people believe that grandparents should take an active part in their grandchildren’s upbringing.
112. Some people say that overpopulation is a major problem for the human race.
113. Some people think that stress can ruin one’s life.
114. Some people continue smoking in spite of all warnings.
115. Some people believe that the problems caused by gambling are very serious.
116. Some people say that capital punishment should be allowed.
117. Some people believe that the lives of the disabled are much easier nowadays.
118. Some people say that there is nothing better than watching TV.
119. Some people believe that watching TV can have harmful effects on children.
120. Some people think that reality TV shows are enjoyable and bring many benefits to the audience and the actors.
121. Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic.
122. Some people say that print media will disappear in the future.
123. Some people say that radio is not as popular as it used to be.
124. Some people say that shopping is interesting and enjoyable.
125. Some people say that shopping malls have advantages over small shops.
126. Some people say that our lives would be better if we bought fewer goods.
127. Some people say that online shopping is an excellent alternative to traditional shopping.
128. Many people say that it is important to recycle waste.
129. Some people believe that going green has a lot of benefits.
130. Some people prefer hybrid cars to traditional cars.
131. Some people think that there are many reasons to promote carpooling.
132. Some people say that modern teenagers are carefree.
133. Some people are worried about the strong influence of peer groups on teenagers.
134. Parents have many concerns about their teenagers dating.
135. Some parents think that teenagers should not be given much independence.
136. Some people believe that animals should not be taken from their natural surroundings and put into zoos.
137. Some people think that keeping exotic animals as pets is an interesting experience.
138. Some people think that keeping pets is a waste of time and money.
139. Some people object to animal testing.
140. Some people think that virtual pets can replace real pets.
141. Some people think there are a lot of benefits of living in a big city.
142. Some people believe that learning foreign languages is a waste of time.
143. Some people say that the English language should be learnt in England.
144. Many people dream of being famous someday.
145. Time management skills are important for success.
146. Some people do not care whether they buy pirated or legal CDs and DVDs.
147. Some people think it is important to be honest in any situation.
148. Some people say that ambitiousness is the key to success and happiness.
149. Some people think that we should use critical thinking rather than trust intuition.
150. Some people say that nonverbal messages improve communication.

Данные задания по теме «Английский язык. ЕГЭ. Эссе по английскому языку» взяты из разных источников и предлагаются в дополнение к презентации к учебнику

Объем эссе на английском языке — 200-250 слов.

Время выполнения задания — 40 минут.

Английский язык. Эссе. Темы для подготовки (задание С2)

Дорогие посетители сайта, данный раздел будет улучшаться и дорабатываться. Спасибо, что Вы с нами!

1.1. Эссе по теме: Art. Graffiti

Some people think that graffiti is another form of expressing art; others think that graffiti is a vandalism.

What is your opinion?

1.2. Эссе по теме: Art. Theatre and Cinema

Comment on the following Statement.

When cinema was invented some people predicted that theatre would not last very long but it still exists, attracts large audiences and is not likely to disappear.

What is your opinion?

Список английских слов по теме: Art. СКОРО!

2. Эссе по теме: Languages

Comment on the following statement.

Some people think that you can master the language only if you study it abroad, in the native speaking environment; others believe that you can become fluent in a for­eign language without ever visiting the country.

What can you say about learning languages in a native speaking envi­ronment?

3. Эссе по теме: Travelling

Comment on the following statement.

Some people believe that when you travel to other places, you experience new things and learn from them. Other people argue that most people who go on holiday to other countries just lie on the beach and don’t experience the local culture at all.

Do you think that young people learn anything by travelling to other places?

4. Эссе по теме: Books or Computers

Comment on the following statement.

The future of education – books or computers? What is your opinion? Are computers going to replace printed books in future?

5. Эссе по теме: Space Exploration

Comment on the following statement.

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

What is your opinion? What problems should humanity solve first of all?

Список английских слов по теме: Space Exploration. СКОРО!

6.1. Эссе по теме: City and Country Life

Comment on the following statement.

My parents say the way they lived in the past was much quieter. However, I believe that young people are given a lot more life opportunities nowadays.

What is your opinion? Which way of life will be more satisfying for future gen­erations?

6.2. Эссе по теме: City and Country Life

Comment on the following statement.

Life in a big city is attractive to many people. But others consider it tiresome and tiring. What can you say about living in a big city?

Список английских слов по теме: City and Country Life. СКОРО!

7. Эссе по теме: TV shows

Comment on the following statement.

In many countries, reality TV shows about the lives and behaviour of ordinary people have become very popular. Some people say that these programmes are bad and that other kinds of programmes are much better.

8. Эссе по теме: Modern Technologies

Comment on the following statement.

According to a number of surveys young people can’t imagine their life without modern electronic technologies. Some of them can become dependent on them, which may have a negative effect on their mind.

Do you share this point of view?

Список английских слов по теме: Modern Technologies. СКОРО!

9. Эссе по теме: Sports

Comment on the following statement.

In the hectic world of today, people are searching for more ways of keeping fit and healthy. Some people prefer to go on Some exotic diets. However, some experts are against this.

What can you about going on a diet?

10. Эссе по теме: Extreme Sports

Comment on the following statement.

Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.

What is your opinion?

Список английских слов по теме: Extreme Sports. СКОРО!

11. Эссе по теме: Environmental Protection

Comment on the following statement.

Some people think that cars should be banned from the centers of big cities. What is your opinion?

12. Эссе по теме: Food

Comment on the following statement.

Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals at home.

What is your opinion about having meals at home?

Список английских слов

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